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International Attendees: Plan for SMRP 2024 in Orlando

International Attendees: Plan for SMRP 2024 in Orlando

Thank you for choosing the SMRP 2024 Annual Conference as your event for 2024. To help you plan your trip effectively and estimate travel costs for budget approval, we've prepared some guidelines. By planning well in advance, you can ensure a smooth and productive experience at the SMRP 2024 Annual Conference. We look forward to welcoming you to Orlando, Florida!

We have prepared a template for the Justification Letter and guidelines to help you get employer approval to join the conference. Please download them in different languages below.




  • Early Bird Registration: Take advantage of early bird rates by registering before September 6. Register here!
  • Online Registration: Register online through the official SMRP website. Ensure you complete all required fields accurately.
  • Payment: Be prepared to pay the registration fee using a credit card or another accepted payment method.
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    Travel Arrangements

  • Plan Ahead: Begin planning your trip at least 2-3 months in advance to ensure all arrangements are in place and to avoid last-minute issues.
  • Visa Requirements: Check the visa requirements for your country. Apply for a visa well in advance to avoid any last-minute issues. You can find more information on Visas - United States Department of State
  • Flight Booking: Book your flight to Orlando International Airport (MCO). Consider booking early to secure the best rates.
  • Accommodation: Reserve your hotel room at the Rosen Centre Hotel or other nearby accommodations. The conference offers discounted rates at the Rosen Centre Hotel, conveniently connected to the Orange County Convention Center via a sky bridge.
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    Justification Letter

  • Approval: Obtain approval for your justification letter as soon as possible. This letter is essential for explaining the benefits of attending the conference to your employer and securing the necessary permissions.
  • Template: Use the provided template for the justification letter, ensuring all required information is included. Adjust the details to highlight how the conference will benefit your role or department.
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    Travel Tips
  • Travel Insurance: Consider purchasing travel insurance to cover unexpected events such as flight cancellations, medical emergencies, or lost luggage.
  • Health Precautions: Stay updated on any health advisories and ensure you meet all health and vaccination requirements for traveling to the U.S.
  • Currency Exchange: Exchange some money for U.S. dollars before your trip or upon arrival. Credit cards are widely accepted, but having some cash on hand is always helpful.
  • Transportation: Plan your transportation from the airport to your hotel. Options include taxis, ride-sharing services, and shuttle buses.
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    Estimating Your Travel Costs
    1. Registration Fee: Include the cost of the early bird registration in your budget.
      • Example: Early Bird Registration: $1,175.00 (Member Individual)
    2. Travel Expenses: Estimate your airfare and include it in your budget.
      • Example: Round-trip Airfare: $700.00
    3. Accommodation: Calculate the total cost for your stay at the conference hotel.
      • Example: Rosen Centre Hotel (3 nights): $627.00 ($209 per night, excluding taxes and fees)
    4. Meals and Incidentals: Estimate daily expenses for meals and other incidentals.
      • Example: Meals and Incidentals: $200.00
    5. Total Estimated Cost: Add up all the estimated expenses.
      • Example: Total Estimated Cost: $1,175.00 (registration) + $700.00 (airfare) + $627.00 (accommodation) + $200.00 (meals) = $2,702.00

    Make sure to add this estimated total cost into your budget for approval.

    Important Contacts

  • Conference Support: For any registration or conference-related queries, contact the SMRP support team through the contact information provided on the conference website.
  • Emergency Contacts: Keep a list of emergency contacts, including the nearest embassy or consulate of your country in the U.S