Leadership is necessary to fully utilize all five pillars of the SMRP body of knowledge. It is important to understand that leadership is not something that can be trained but must be developed. The development of leaders can only be accomplished through mentorship. Leadership is as much of a hard skill as any journeyman-level skill, and true leaders apprentice under skilled professionals. There are four aspects of successful leadership: ownership, transformational, authentic, and strategic. Each of these requires the others to achieve the desired results. There is no shortcut, and no one is born a leader. To lead, you must have followers, and following is a voluntary activity. In this session, we will discuss the basics of leadership.
Leadership is rooted in ownership. Every day, we are tasked with making decisions, and with each decision, we must choose whether to respond as a victim or as an owner. This workshop helps you identify the difference. We alter our destiny by altering our thoughts, and it all starts here. While we cannot always control what happens to us, we can always control how we respond. Owners take charge of the outcome.
The most researched and widely used leadership measurement tool today is the Full Range Leadership Model. Within this model, we identify seven different leadership styles and explore how we can drive success by employing some or all of them. The three major categories of leadership are laissez-faire, transactional, and transformational. While most of us aspire to be transformational leaders, many of us operate in a transactional manner. This presentation will help you understand the different leadership styles and, depending on your goals, guide you on how to transition to your desired leadership style.